Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Shark Tank Proposal

      Going into my speech I expected much more of myself. I started by writing a one page outline using bullet points all the way down. Hannah Maddox from ADPi was a huge help to me because once I got in contact with her she emailed me an entire list of details about the speech that made writing it nearly effortless. My one flaw of being "scattered" in the beginning came from weak memorization of my bullet points.
      Public Speaking has never been a huge fear of mine; whereas many of my peers have trouble speaking in front of the class, it has always come pretty naturally to me. Unfortunately, like I said, I forgot some of my bullet points for a moment. Fortunately I was always taught that if you screw up in front of a crowd, just roll with it and act like it didn't happen, so this is how I caught myself and continued to make the speech presentable.
      I caught myself by separating my proposal into two halves. The first half explaining the event, and the second half explaining why a documentary should be filmed on The Main Event. So once I forgot one of my bullet points and started rambling I just went straight to the introduction of the second half.
      Next time the goal is to just memorize my points better and perhaps rehearse a little more, after that I'll be golden. Public Speaking is one of my strengths and with time I could hone it to be a very strong asset in my future.

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