Thursday, December 11, 2014

Final Reflection

                The Main Event documentary came with many challenges; all of which were able to be overcome, but challenges all the same. My biggest struggle was filming and getting people to do interviews. I personally am not a big fan of asking for favors so it’s always a struggle for me asking for someone to take time out of their day to help me with a project. I am most proud of the way it is laid out and how well the montages turned out. If I could change anything it would have been to cover all the bases and interview other fighters. The fighter I chose lost but another one of my friends that fought knocked his guy out in about 15 seconds; his story would have made for a much more exciting end. I personally was responsible for many things in the documentary. I coordinated when and where the interviews would be, contacted Hannah Maddox about the documentary and reached out to Jacob Sanders to ask for his help as well. I also did a lot of filming and coordinated some of our group meetings as well as doing a little bit of editing too. To promote a healthy group atmosphere I just tried to get everybody involved and to participate evenly. Looking back I would say that everybody did their fair share on this project. Personally I wish I could have done more editing but besides that I feel I did a pretty solid job.
                This course has brought me a long way in my critical thinking skills, I used to wonder “How do I write 500 words about this?” but now I think deeper and formulate full ideas. One article that sticks out in my mind is the one about all the celebrity nudes being released. I looked past the writer blaming the problem on our culture and blamed it on him/the media. Whether my opinion was right or wrong is irrelevant but I feel I got past “well this guy wrote an article, and this is what it was about, and I agree with him”. You may have helped me with that a little bit in your informal approach to teaching. You took the intimidation out of turning an assignment in to a professor and I felt I could turn in my actual opinion without criticism. The public speaking portion of this course was nothing to me, I received some really helpful tips and am overall a better public speaker, but I was never one of those people that gets hives standing in front of class; I generally am pretty comfortable in front of an audience. I would have most definitely not preferred writing four essays. They’re much too time consuming, plus I got to get a little experience blogging and learning about iMovie that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
                I definitely feel like a better writer and communicator after taking your course; your style was helpful and there’s nothing I would have preferred more of, I was pretty content with the amount of work we got. I honestly can’t think of anything to make the class better for next time; I was a pretty big fan of the way you did it this time.

                If you’re looking for criticism you won’t find it here, your class was one of my favorites. I feel like you really understand what it’s like to be a student and you don’t assign any bullshit waste of time assignments, everything seemed to have a purpose from my perspective. Thanks for making your class enjoyable and just being a good teacher in general.